
TravelswithElsa with view of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Day 3: Game viewing in Ngorongoro Crater

We were up early in the morning, excited to head for Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest caldera. It was still quite dark, and mist swirled around us as we headed uphill to...

Day 3: Game viewing in Ngorongoro Crater

We were up early in the morning, excited to head for Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest caldera. It was still quite dark, and mist swirled around us as we headed uphill to...

Our first two days in Tanzania

Our first two days in Tanzania

HM Safaris Tour with Jeremiah Ngoko! In August I took Dana, M.E. and Susanne on a once-in-a-lifetime safari to see the migration of the wildebeest and zebras across the Mara...

Our first two days in Tanzania

HM Safaris Tour with Jeremiah Ngoko! In August I took Dana, M.E. and Susanne on a once-in-a-lifetime safari to see the migration of the wildebeest and zebras across the Mara...

My trail is Australia: Christmas in July

My trail is Australia: Christmas in July

My trail is Australia What fun! I came across this 2018 competition article I wrote My Trail is Australia | International Travel News 14 Jul 2018 ... Placing second was that of ELSA DIXON of...

My trail is Australia: Christmas in July

My trail is Australia What fun! I came across this 2018 competition article I wrote My Trail is Australia | International Travel News 14 Jul 2018 ... Placing second was that of ELSA DIXON of...

Submersible experience in the Great Barrier Reef

Submersible experience in the Great Barrier Reef

 July 4, 2011 (updating previous blog to new website) Submersible experience in the Great Barrier Reef  June 25, 2023: Presently, the world is waiting in suspense for hopefully a successful rescue...

Submersible experience in the Great Barrier Reef

 July 4, 2011 (updating previous blog to new website) Submersible experience in the Great Barrier Reef  June 25, 2023: Presently, the world is waiting in suspense for hopefully a successful rescue...

Crossing the Canadian border twice during aftermath of Covid: November, 2021 (updating previous blogs)

Crossing the Canadian border twice during after...

My trip to Canada during the aftermath of Covid restrictions, some still in place. It was great to see my family after such a long time and share in Donella's...

Crossing the Canadian border twice during after...

My trip to Canada during the aftermath of Covid restrictions, some still in place. It was great to see my family after such a long time and share in Donella's...

Ringing in the New Year 2022 – London by night

Ringing in the New Year 2022 – London by night

January 10, 2022 To ring in the New Year, my daughter took me on a scenic drive past some iconic London landmarks on New Year’s Eve. We drove along Fulham...

Ringing in the New Year 2022 – London by night

January 10, 2022 To ring in the New Year, my daughter took me on a scenic drive past some iconic London landmarks on New Year’s Eve. We drove along Fulham...